•Be Informed:
–Local Hazards:
•High Winds
•High Surf
•Use MyHazards to discover hazards in your area using your address and learn steps to reduce personal risk to earthquake, flood, fire, and tsunami -
–Stay Informed:
•A!ert Monterey: A system used by City and County public safety officials to deliver emergency notifications to residents and businesses impacted by, or in danger of being impacted by, an emergency or disaster -
•Nixel: A Community Information Service dedicated to helping you stay connected to the information that matters most to you, depending on your physical location -
•San Benito and Santa Cruz CodeRed: Subscribe to the Emergency Notification System for the entire counties of San Benito and Santa Cruz -
•Alert SCC for Santa Clara: This system will allow you to receive timely notifications about emergency situations in Santa Clara County -
•Make a Plan:
Make a family communications plan and know what your family should do and where they should go in the event of a disaster. Everyone in the family should have important numbers readily available. Children should know who to call in the event that the parents or adults are incapacitated. Don’t rely on electricity or cellular services to be available. Have back up plans and have numbers printed and in a common area of the home, work, and car.
Family Emergency Plan: https://www.ready.navy.mil/Portals/86/Documents/fam_em_plan_form_030613.pdf
–Home Escape Plan: https://www.ready.navy.mil/Portals/86/Documents/home_escapeplan_081313.pdf
–Build a Kit: https://www.ready.navy.mil/Portals/86/Documents/brochure_121813.pdf
–Every family should have an emergency kit available at home, work, and in the car, that includes basic survival supplies to last at least 3 days but 7 days is recommended. Don’t forget to plan for your pets preparedness the same as you would for you and your family.
–Emergency Kits: https://www.ready.navy.mil/Portals/86/Documents/KITS-EMKits_031315.pdf
–Get a Pet Inside sticker FREE from the ASPCA:
Pet Emergency Preparedness: aspca_pet_preparedness_full_page.pdf
The NSA Monterey Emergency Management team, in collaboration with civilian community emergency response partners, is dedicated to providing timely and pertinent disaster preparedness planning, information, training and incident response coordination to NSA Monterey and tenant commands that supports survival and mission continuity during emergencies, disasters or other catastrophic events.
Local Hazards:
MY HAZARDS: Click the link to discover what hazards exist in your zip code and emergency preparedness information:http://myhazards.calema.ca.gov/
Alert Monterey: Subscribe for immediate warnings and notifications of emergency conditions in Monterey County. http://www.alertmontereycounty.org
Monterey County 2-1-1, call 2-1-1 for emergency and non-emergency information as well as community services resources information:http://www.monterey.org/fire/news/211FrequentlyAskedQuestions.pdf
Local weather: Click on map location for current weather information http://forecast.weather.gov/