The Navy is currently evaluating opportunities to maximize the value of approximately 29 acres of underutilized Navy-owned property near the northeast corner of Seal Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway.
These opportunities may include developing some of the property for Navy missions, or outleasing the site to a commercial developer to allow redevelopment for new functions to create quality of life improvements for base personnel, their families, and potentially the local community. The Navy does not intend to sell or excess the property.
The Navy began conducting environmental analysis on potential uses for this property in the summer of 2022. A public scoping period was held from June 30-July 31, 2022. A public scoping fact sheet with more information can be found HERE.
Next Steps
The Navy will be releasing a Request for Qualifications and later a Request for Proposals during the summer of 2025. Responses from these solicitations will be used by the Navy to complete its environmental analysis. No formal project approval would be made until all environmental studies are complete.
More Information
Download the Project Fact Sheet (PDF version or Section 508 compliant version)
Contact the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Public Affairs Officer at 562-626-7215 or