Downloadable Version of the Flyer
As you may be aware, the Navy has constructed a fencing project along the Superstition Mountain OHV Open Area and Rage boundary in the area known as the "DIP." The installation is sharing details of the project and would appreciate your cooperation getting the message out.
The Navy is losing valuable training time due to incursion onto the range and into the target areas. Aborted training flights cost time and money as well as a bottleneck in the training requirements for pilots. Incursions are also degrading the flat-tailed horned lizard habitat which may impact future mission requirements.
To better alert the public to the boundaries of the ranges, the Navy installed a three-strand smooth wire fence along with signage where the range and Superstition Mount OHV Open Area meet.

Above is a flyer and a map with additional information. We request you help us spread the word amongst your friends and fellow OHVers.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the NAF El Centro Public Affairs Office at 760-339-2673 or
Thank you for support of the military mission in Imperial County and for promoting responsible use of the lands.