Welcome to the NAF El Centro Festival of Flight's parking plan. We want to share some of the details of what's going on so you know what to expect. However, please know that parking on the installation is first come, first served and as directed by our staff.
Some special notes:
- Visitors requiring handicap accessible parking will be directed by event staff. Please let our staff know if you need this and be prepared to show a placard if you do not have a marked license plate.
- VIP Parking passes will be issued by MWR/Protocol Officer only
- Traffic control personnel will fill designated parking spots in numbered order. Please follow all of their directions to minimize delays.
- Approximately 3,000 parking spots are available. Once filled public POV’s won’t be allowed onto the installation. POV’s already on base will be sent out Gate 14A.
- At the beginning of the event, and until lots 1 through 5 are filled, traffic on Bennett Road will use both lanes to come onto the installation. Four-wheeled drive or pick-up style trucks are requested to use the RIGHT lane on Bennett Road when approaching the base in order to speed up your entrance onto the facility. Once safe, we will change the pattern to allow two way traffic. Please follow all security guidelines for exiting the installation if you leave early.
- Only CAC/Dependent ID holders will be allowed into housing by showing credential to Sentry. There will be no general public allowed into the housing areas.
See the below graphic for a basic understanding of how traffic will flow. Follow all instructions given by our Security Teams and Parking Attendants and do not deviate from those instructions.

Please stay out of the AEROBATIC Box during the airshow practice on March 11, 2022 and especially the air show on March 12, 2022. This area is always unsafe and should be avoided at ALL TIMES! See the map below for a clear picture of the areas you MUST avoid.

The conduct of the 2022 NAF El Centro Festival of Flight will strictly adhere to the latest federal, state, and county health protection guidance and aims to provide the safest environment possible to our welcome community members. By participating in this voluntary event, you waive the right to any claim against the federal government, contractors, and volunteers aboard NAF El Centro to include personal liability, claim, suit, action, loss, or damage that may result from your attendance.