This year the Executive and Box Seating options return! The Executive Chalet provides you with a fully catered experience with food, beverage, and seating. Box Seats provide you with front row seating and an economical way to see the action up close.
- Executive chalet tickets are $100 (SOLD OUT)
- Executive chalet (Child, aged 2 and up) tickets are $50 (SOLD OUT)
- Box Seating tickets are $25
- Children under 2, accompanied by a paid family member, are admitted free
To order Executive Chalet or Box Seating call 760-339-2559. Tickets will only be available for pick up at Will Call located near the entrance to the chalet area. They will not be mailed out.
There are still plenty of ways you, a business, group, or agency can help put on the Festival of a sponsor. For more information, see the brochure below or call us at 760-339-2475 or 1592.
NAF El Centro's 2022 Festival of Flight Sponsorship Brochure
The conduct of the 2022 NAF El Centro Festival of Flight will strictly adhere to the latest federal, state, and county health protection guidance and aims to provide the safest environment possible to our welcome community members. By participating in this voluntary event, you waive the right to any claim against the federal government, contractors, and volunteers aboard NAF El Centro to include personal liability, claim, suit, action, loss, or damage that may result from your attendance.